Michael St. Pierre

Olympics 2036

This project focused on creating promotional material for the 2036 Olympics. I chose Madrid as the country to represent.



Visual Identity

Visual Identity

Researched the country and sketched visuals that best represented Madrid.

Logo Draft

Logo Draft

Created three logos from my sketches that I felt best embodied Madrid at the time.

Back to the Drawing Board

Back to the Drawing Board

I was not confident in the initial logos so I went back to researching and found a new identity based on Picasso’s art.

New Look

New Look

Sketched a new logo and icons to represent sporting events that would be there. The finalized logo and sport event icons. They are themed around Picasso’s contour line art.

Badges and Tickets

Badges and Tickets

Mockups of event badges and tickets for athletes and events.

Olympics mock ups.png